About Us

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ORB IT Solutions LLC is the perfect partner for small businesses and non-profits which don't have the in-house developer expertise needed to take their online presence to the next level. We understand the web, its digital landscape, and want to help you attract your desired audience with a web presence that fits both you and your customers' needs.

Additionally we offer software development services aimed at providing you with custom applications you may need to ease your workflow, save time, and stand out in your given industry. Contact us by phone, email, or social media to see what we can do for you today!

We know the technologies you need

CSS CSS HTML HTML C++ C++ Javascript Typescript Javascript PHP PHP Rust Rust Swift Swift Ruby Ruby Python Python C# Java

Javascript, C++ and PHP have been the most prolific languages used throughout our career. However, we regularly take on projects in any language or framework as needed, to see your project through to a speedy completion. Whether that involves Ruby frameworks like Rails, or newer languages such as Rust or Swift, we'll put in the work to make sure your project is finished on time and with top quality code to boot.

With over a decade and a half of experience across a wide variety of technologies, including those shown below, there is nothing we can't achieve together.

ReactJS icon NodeJs icon Laravel icon Stripe icon Sass icon

We have also worked with multiple environments across all types of operating systems. We excel at making them secure and performant.

FreeBSD icon Fedora Linux icon Ubuntu icon Blackberry icon Windows icon

We use best in class tools and services to deliver your software. Among them are some of the industry standards shown below:

Docker icon Jenkins CI icon Git icon Digital Ocean icon Linode icon